Once you hit the road again, now you can go as far right as you can and you will come across a small
village which you will now have access to. Take your time and explore it, take some quests, chat up with the villagers and when you're finally
done, take the north eastern exit of the village to seek out the mage you are looking for.
You will reach a mostly run down shed, enter it and you will find the man at the basement level.
Once you find him, engage with him in further conversation and offer your help.
The mage will refuse your help until you better yourself, because right now your
character kinda sucks in combat, as such you will have to seek out a trainer who will help you become better. The mage itself
can teach you how to become a sorcerer if you complete his task. There are different trainers out there and each one of them will teach
you a certain skill set, so chose wisely as once you pick a path to follow you will no longer be able to chose or learn another.
For the sake of simplicity in this guide, we shall chose to become a knight. To do so you must return to the village and find the captain of the guard
that is located in the town hall at the upper level and ask him to train you.
Of course he will give you a task to prove your worth to him before he is willing to teach you anything and so
you must embark on another short adventure! This time you will have to take the north western exit from the village and go right until you reach a great lake.
Once you reach the great lake, go down south, if you find some beast tracks you know you are on the right path.
The beast which hide you must take is located inside the small earth cave. Be careful, he can be quite strong,
but nothing a healthy party cannot handle. When you get his mane, be careful not to sell it, unless you want to bar yourself from becoming a knight, you should
instead return with it back to the guard captain, ask again for training and show him the proof of your victory!