After Defeating The Noble Jester, check out the dor behind him, and find out that it is rusted and locked. To
open it you will need to find a cipher and brew a concoction strong enough to wash the rust away from its lock.
You will find the cipher you need on the papers located on a box in the kitchen, along with a bottle of vinegar...
The vinegar won't be strong enough on its own, you will need to mix it up with some armor polisher!
Now go to the dor again and let Nia clear out the rust, after that you will find the cipher you need on the servant's
not you have recovered earlier from the kitchen.
You will need to find out all the torn pages from that wizard to proceed forward, the first pages being located
in the residential area(the south western entrance, past the ball room and past the gardens to the east).
To acquire the second set of pages you will need to go to the south eastern part of the castle to the cellars. To solve the
guardians puzzle, you must place them in such a way that there are no two guardians on the same row of platforms.
To progress even further, you will need to plug the two wholes with the two large barrels located in the middle of the smaller
ones, if you fail this task you will have to leave the map and redo the puzzle before to attempt it again.
The pages you are searching for are located on the table near the wall.
The third set of pages is located on a corridor that leads to the highest tower in the castle(north eastern wing),
and yes, it's that simple, just pick them up, not everything has to be an epic struggle!
If you picked the pages in a random order and decided not to read them or you just want to read again all the pages you
have collected, you can always check the journal from your inventory.
You will now be able to open the library wing(north western entrance). Prepare yourself...
You now have access to the tower, but to get there... you must steel yourself!
This Handy Guide's work is now done and it wishes you good luck!